Sunday, January 15, 2012

Our first Snow of Winter

This morning the Pacific Northwest woke up to the fresh covering of new fallen snow.  Granted only a dusting, it was still a beautiful sight to see and I’m completely excited for our forecast this next week – more snow!!! 

I’m a Snow-aholic and I wholeheartedly own the title.   There is something just so exciting about seeing snowflakes falling from the sky and blanketing the earth.  Maybe it’s the way the snow glistens and shines in the moonlight, or how inviting a patch of smooth, undisturbed snow is to jump in, or maybe it’s the fact that with how busy our lives seem to be nowadays it’s refreshing to have an excuse to slow down and pull back from the hectic ness of life.

Being absolutely in love with snow does not exclude me from the precarious situations it can bring.  But there’s a difference between getting frustrated and upset about a situation and being able to laugh at yourself and enjoy the moment.  Today held one of these moments and since I’ve been randomly laughing about it all afternoon, I thought I’d share it with my readers and share the joy and laughter. 

This morning Andrew and I decided to attend the early service at our church which meant we had to scramble a little to get the kids and ourselves ready to leave.  We were running late, I had just finished making my coffee and pouring it in my travel mug when I went on my search for shoes. 

I decided against my tennis shoes because of how worn they look, (although hind sight being what it is, they would have been my best choice).  I tried to find my black heels (chunky heels, not stilettos) which would have looked nice with my outfit but alas, I could not find them.  This led me to grab my cowboy boots.  Looked nice but one step out the door brought to my attention just how little – correction – no tread they had. 

Why do I tell you about my shoes?  You will find out in a minute.  Just remember, I’m wearing my boots with NO tread. 

Service was wonderful as always and we stayed a little bit to chat with some friends until the next service started.  We walked outside and started making our way to our car…. this is where the two-minutes of craziness happened.

I was holding Katie Jo and opened the door to the car to put her in her carseat, which is located in the middle of the backseat with Adam and Emma’s booster seats on either side.  As I lean in to put her in her seat I feel my feet begin to slip on the ice.  I try to catch myself but I’m too late.  I completely slip and fall which causes Katie Jo to plop awkwardly in her seat. 

So there I am, stuck half-in, half-out of our car.  My top half is laying across Emma’s booster seat while my feet are outside the car flailing about, desperately trying to find some kind of traction so I can get up but failing miserably. 

What I didn’t realize was that at this very moment Adam decided this would be the best time to attempt to make a snow angel and Emma was too busy trying to brush every speck of snow off the car. 

So picture my family if you will….  Katie Jo crying, I’m stuck halfway outside the car with my feet flailing about on the ice, Adam is on the ground making a snow angel, Andrew is trying to get Adam off the ground and Emma is just concerned with cleaning the car.

This is one of those situations when I wish there was someone who had a camera who could have snapped a picture of my family at that moment. 

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