Saturday, December 10, 2011

Photo Challenge - Take 2

Woke up to another beautiful frost on the ground this morning and a bit of a fog so I decided to pack up the kids to head out for some picture-taking.  I’m beginning to learn that I need to just pack my camera with me wherever I go since it seems the best photo opportunities arise when I’m most unprepared. 

Here are a few more pictures in continuing with my 30-Day Photo Challenge.

                               #13 From a Distance














Being winter time it’s difficult to find flowers to take a picture of (unless it’s the house down the street with the silk flowers stuck in the ground year round) so I took a picture of the flowers in my table centerpiece. 

#14 Flowers          
















So here you get a glimpse of who my favorite author is!  About 6ish years ago a friend of mine let me borrow a couple books by Debbie Macomber and I was hooked.  Now my bookshelf is full of her books plus I’ve had lunch with her twice!! 

            #17 On the Shelf













Another one while I was out this morning……

#22 Trees               















Last one for today… this barn is located on the side of the road on the way into Clear Lake.  I have always thought it would be neat to get a picture of it but never have…… until now.


               #26 Something Old














There’s still more to come with my photo challenge!  Stay tuned and have a wonderful day!!


  1. That wonderful old barn was built by my great uncle, Glenn Hall. I remember one time a couple of years ago, a friend and I decided that, since my family owned the land and the barn, we could go look inside it and explore that piece of land. When we were done, I called my great uncle's son (since my great uncle passed away a few years ago) to ask a question, and he let me know that only five days prior, he'd sold the land, so we were trespassing! Oops! Glad I got to see the barn he built at least once.

  2. Thank you for sharing that story!! It really is a beautiful barn.

  3. Gorgeous! I really love that old barn, too. There's just something about them!
