Friday, May 4, 2012

The Fun of T-ball Season!

I love T-ball season!!  5 is such a fun, quirky age on its own, but it seems when you get ten 5 year olds together to play an “organized” game, anything can happen. 

I’ve been having such a fun time watching these t-ball games because it never fails, something is bound to happen which brings a smile to your face.

Kids are funny without even trying.  It’s in the innocence that makes each game like a new comedy routine.  From the boy in the outfield holding his baseball cap over his face with his glove, or the sudden dog pile of kids in an attempt to be the one to “catch” the ball – it’s a constant laugh-fest.

At our first game of the season one of the moms was calling out, ever-important instructions, to her little boy who was in charge of covering third base, “Watch the ball and get it when it comes to you!” to which he replied with much excitement while looking at the back of his pants, “I have a pocket!!!” 

Or the mom who was asking her son why he was kneeling on the ground at the pitcher’s mound instead of being ready to catch the ball when her son replied, as if she was completely clueless, “I found a worm!!” 

Adam is not without his moments on the field.  At one game he announced he had to use the bathroom while standing on third base.  The next child hit a ball and Adam came running toward home, stepped on home plate quickly before immediately running toward the nearby port-o-potty with the batting helmet still on his head. 

Not only that, but when he was playing the position of pitcher I noticed each time he got the ball and threw it to first base, he would do a victory dance.  Being the kind of mom that I am, I took a video and put it to some music…..



It’s a fun, new adventure of parenthood having a child involved in a sport.  I’m certainly looking forward to many more years of cheering for my children from the bleachers and laughing at the many blunders still yet to come.

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