Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Duck, Duck, but no Goose


Every few weeks Andrew and I help out in Adam and Emma’s Cubbies class at AWANA.  Usually this merely entails helping with a craft, listening to the children tell about their week, and assisting with listening to each child recite their verse they diligently worked on throughout the previous week.  However, tonight brought a scene that I can only describe as unforgettable.

Picture with me if you will – 12 boys and girls ranging in ages from 3-5 sitting down to play a rousing game of ‘Duck Duck Goose’.  A young girl is chosen to be “it” and she sets out to chose the child who will be named Goose, chase her around in a circle and ultimately be given the position of her successor as “It”.  Let the game begin! 


I sit back in my seat thinking I had accomplished my job of organizing the perfect game and settle in to wait for the girl to chose a “Goose”, at which point I would cheer wildly as the chasing began.  Little did I realize just how long I was going to wait.


It wasn’t until about the fifth time around the circle that I really started to observe this situation that was unfolding in front of me.  Around and around she went, touching each child’s head as she called out the inevitable

“Duck…… Duck……Duck”. 

Every once in awhile a spurt of energy would overcome her and I would be sure the end was near!


But alas, the “ducking” would continue


Andrew began casting me looks and with a sigh would ask, “how long are you going to let this go on?” but my curiosity would get the better of me as I would reply, “I just want to see how long she’ll go”.  One by one the remaining children in the circle were beginning to find books and other toys to keep them occupied while they anxiously awaited the title of Goose to be generously given. 


As I sat there watching this scene unfold before me I had to ponder the question, was this young girl chronically indecisive?  In which case I have to pity anyone who is caught between her and a decision she has to make.  Or is this sweet young girl actually a tad bit malicious and purposefully tormenting these young kids by continually walking in circles around them, making them hang on her every word as they impatiently wait for the single word that would push the game from the momentary stand-still?  I still don’t really know the answer to this question but I will say this, I have never in my 7 years as a childcare teacher or my 5 years as a mom witnessed such a game -  Duck Duck, with no Goose. 

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