Born on Nov. 30 weighing 9lb. 2oz Adam came into our lives and started the most incredible journey of my life..... motherhood.
All smiles and a playful attitude, he has made each day an adventure. From emptying out the bathroom drawers during one of my piano lessons to trailing toilet paper throughout the house (while it was still attached in the bathroom) he brought tears from laughter to my eyes many times.
When Emma and Katie Jo came into our family Adam was always willing to lend a hand. Even if it meant pouring an entire family size box of Cheerios on the highchair tray for Emma's snack or awkwardly carrying Katie Jo to put her in her car seat while I was in the other room, his helpful spirit is always appreciated.
Now he is growing into a handsome young boy who cares deeply for others and is always quick to lend a helping hand. He's the best big brother Emma and Katie Jo could have ever asked for and yes, I do feel sorry for any boyfriends they may have someday. He is the one who has been with me the longest and has had to endure all my mistakes as I try to figure out the job of parenthood. I feel fortunate to have such a wonderful son who never ceases to bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart.
Have a wonderfully blessed day!
Happy Birthday Adam! I can't believe how much you've grown! Like your mom, I'm so proud of you, too! Good work, Krista! =)